Modbus Slave RTU/TCP problem

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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Re: Modbus Slave RTU/TCP problem

Post by phrodo »

Hi Mark...

Thank you for your response.

i will try to explain more the issue. I'm programming the Modbus Server in Borland Delphi, using a public dll named "Fieldtalk library". I used this library in another aplication with a Mitsubishi E1061, manufactured by Beijer... identical to Exter T60, and i have no problem with the address map.

Example in my application.... i use this procedure to poll some adresses of the panel....

Obviously, the modbus slave configuration in both panel is the same. (First holding register 40000, adressing 1-based, number of coils 4096)

Code: Select all

procedure TInfeedThread.Poll;
var string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6: string;
    Case PollState of
      0: SyncReadString ( 2045, 1, string1);  //work fine
      1: SyncReadString ( 2046, 1, string2);  //work fine
      2: SyncReadString ( 2047, 1, string3);  //work fine
      3: SyncReadString ( 2048, 1, string4); //CRASH!!
      4: SyncReadString ( 2049, 1, string5); //CRASH!!
      5: SyncReadString ( 2050, 1, string6); //CRASH!!
      Else PollState := 0;
    Inc( PollState );
    If PollState > 5 then
      PollState := 0;
This code works in the E1061 and crash in the T7A, and like the user AntoineA... works fine while the address we read is less than 2048... but if the address is more than 2048.... then don't work. It is as if the parameter "Number of holdings registers" don't download to the T7A.

I would change the five old E1061 with new T7A in a big factory, but this problem is very serious and now i don't have to do....

If you need more details please ask me.

Thank you for all Mark,

Best Regards,

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Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: Modbus Slave RTU/TCP problem

Post by mark.monroe »

This is a known issue and we have an updated driver that will fix it v4.13.04. I will PM you the driver.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:08 am

Re: Modbus Slave RTU/TCP problem

Post by phrodo »

Thank you very much, Mark.

Best regards,

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