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Controlling Animatics Series 5 SmartMotor

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:57 pm
by PeteLam
Is there an updated version of the Animatics driver?

I have version 5.00.3, and I'm using the help file released in December 2008.

It seems as if the 5.00.3 driver is only good for the older Series 4 motors. Is this correct?

For example, the tag address for setting the motor velocity is "V". This was the velocity command in the Series 4 motors. However, in Series 5, the commands are "VA" for Actual Velocity and "VT" for Target Velocity. Similarly, there is no "PT" device for "Target Position", which is an absolutely necessary setting.

Please advise,


Re: Controlling Animatics Series 5 SmartMotor

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:51 am
by mark.monroe
The current 5.00.3 iX Developer Animatics driver will not with Series 5 motors. That version is the latest version of that driver.

Re: Controlling Animatics Series 5 SmartMotor

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:34 am
by PeteLam
Thanks Mark,

I have found a workaround. The user variable addressing has not changed from Series 4 to Series 5, so I am at least able to pass some parameters and have the Smartmotor copy those parameters to the appropriate command settings. It's inconvenient, but I think this should work.

Are there any plans to update the driver to fully support Series 5 in the future?

Re: Controlling Animatics Series 5 SmartMotor

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:22 am
by mark.monroe
There are no plans right now to add Series 5 support.