Beijer T4A and S7-1200 with Modbus RTU

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Beijer T4A and S7-1200 with Modbus RTU

Post by BenBäumker »

hey guys,

I'd like to built a communication between my T4A and my PLC S7-1200 over Modbus RTU.

Information on my running System:
System 1: Beijer T4A (Master) over Modbus RTU to a selfmade microcontroller (Slave)
Here i Used COM2.

Now I want to to give some Data from System 1 (COM2) to my PLC (COM4) by using my Beijer Display as a Converter.
The PLC has to be Master, so i created a new additional Controller in iX2.2 as Modbus Slave.

I also made the direcetion of some Data-Transfer from Controller 1 to Controller 2 (COM2 -> COM4)

By using COM4 I want to talk to my PLC S7-1200 with CommunicationBoard CM1241 by using RS485 MODBUS RTU.


1) Is my planned way of communication possible ? especially by using the direction-Option of Data Transfer in the iX2.2

2) How do I communicate with the PLC? Some TIA-Advice needed

3) Has someone made a Modbus RTU communication to T4A in TIA Portal ?

Thanks for helping!

lg Ben

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Jae V
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Re: Beijer T4A and S7-1200 with Modbus RTU

Post by Jae V »

We understand that this is a very old post. To answer your first question, the data exchange feature in iX would work that way and is very easy to configure. As for the the Modbus RTU, you should be able to use the modicon Modbus Slave configuration with no issues. If there is anyone who is still experiencing this or similar issues and require assistance, please visit us at ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690. Thank you.
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