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J1939 Address in Tag Definition
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:57 am
by matto
I am trying to get familiar with iX Dev and part of that is communicating over J1939. I cannot even begin though because I don't know what to enter for the address of the tag within the controller. The help file says this can be found in the driver's help file, but I don't know where to find that either.
The parameter I am trying to map (for starters) is the J1939 standard message/value EngSpeed in message EEC1 (PGN: 61444, Priority: 3, Start bit: 16, number of bits: 16, SPN: 190).
I am using a QTERM-A12 with ciX CAN module.
Can anybody tell me how to address this and why? Or lead me to where the driver documentation is?
Thank you
Re: J1939 Address in Tag Definition
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:06 pm
by mark.monroe
Hi matto,
I have attached the help document to this email. Normally driver documentation can be found
like this in iX. The FreeCAN driver is new and the documentation has not yet been fully implemented in the driver help file.
Re: J1939 Address in Tag Definition
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:32 pm
by matto
Thank you for your response - I may need to back up a little bit though. I was not aware of the FreeCAN driver. I was just trying to use the J1939 controller that is already in the controller list when adding a controller. That may not be appropriate. ???
When I try to use the directions you sent for FreeCAN, I cannot find the FreeCAN driver as a file (I may just not know where it is), and it is not being found with the internet option either.
Any more help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Re: J1939 Address in Tag Definition
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:49 pm
by mark.monroe
Hi Matto,
It sounds like you are using the wrong driver for that CAN module. You need to use the Free-CAN driver, which is under limited release right now. You need to manually install it. You can do that by going to "Update drivers from file". I have attached the driver to this post.
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You also need to change the .xml file for the QTERM A12/A7 before you can load the driver:
Go to the iX installation folder on your hard drive, for example c:\Program Files (x86)\Beijer Electronics AB\iX Developer. navigate to \Bin\Resources\Terminals\, here you will find all the HMI's availible. Open QTermA12.xml and QtermA7.xml in an editor and search for the element 'COMFlags', this should have the value 5. Change that to a 7, save the files and restart iX. Now you should be able to select the can driver in a QTerm project.
And finally, you need to change the com port the driver is using to COM8
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