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Driver for FX3U-ENET-ADP

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:32 pm
by filou

I would like to use a panel TA70 connected to a FX3U-ENET-ADP from a FX3U PLC.
Is-there a driver for the communication with the FX3U-ENET-ADP card?

Thank you

Re: Driver for FX3U-ENET-ADP

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:53 am
by mark.monroe
There is a FX3U-ENET Ethernet driver in iX Developer.

Re: Driver for FX3U-ENET-ADP

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:31 am
by filou
Hi Mark,

I'm agree, but there are 2 types:

The 2 cards are different.
The FX3U ENET ADP is a new product since the beginning of 2012 I think.
That why I'm asking you because I'm not sure that we can use the same driver.


Re: Driver for FX3U-ENET-ADP

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:55 am
by JohnCZ

There is a problem with this driver in iX. This is new hardware a for that iX have not new driver develop. We discussed it with a research team from Beijers (and they promised us that they look at it).

Becouse the new hardware need port 5556 and the old FX3U-ENET is only 5551 and you can't change it in the iX Dev 2.0

But :) here is a solution for you that may help you. We find out this solution and this work perfect.

Sorry for language in manual :).