T4A to Micro800

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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T4A to Micro800

Post by uman »

I am trying to set up communication between a T4A and an AB micro800 controller. My repeated attempts have been unsuccessful and I need help.

Communication will be Modbus RTU and the T4A is the master.

I could not find a compatible comm cable from Biejer or Allen Bradly so I am using a comm for a micrologix; cable is the AB 1761-CBL-PMO2 with a gender changer to adapt to the T4A female RS232.

I suspect the problem is in the serial and protocol setup.

Anybody here have experience with this combo?
Little help please


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Re: T4A to Micro800

Post by mark.monroe »

The pin out for the serial port can be found in the controller documentation.

You might want to sniff the serial connection and see if you can tell whats going on.

Normally there is an issue with the cable pin out, or the baud rate.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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