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Starting with MODBUS

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:49 am
by wlederer
Our management want to offer customers to control our machinery using MODBUS protocol. Does Beijer have a special manual (e.g. which functions are supported)? Which simulators or test programms are recommended? I found some on Are they good?
Regards, Waldemar

Re: Starting with MODBUS

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:24 am
by mark.monroe
The manuals for all controllers are found in the same place. Modbus is a standard protocol, therefore it does not matter what programs you use to test it. They should all play together because of this standardization.

Re: Starting with MODBUS

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:42 am
by wlederer
Thank You Mark.
The task is to send the value of register D0 , of PLC (for example, FX3U) after an external master demand through ethernet. I added controller"MODBUS": MODICON, Modbus Slave RTU/TCP. Created a new tag. What values should I put in the Tag table in the column "MODBUS" and in the column "FX3U"?

Regards, Waldemar

Re: Starting with MODBUS

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:48 am
by mark.monroe
In each controller column you should put the address you want to read to/ or write from. Then look in the iX help file and read up on using the Data Exchange feature of iX. You can use it to read data from one controller, and send it to another.