How to change Background screen in runtime with a tag

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How to change Background screen in runtime with a tag

Post by Nicolas2121 »

Hi everybody,

I have a main screen and two other screens I want to use in the background of this main screen.

I would like to show the background of the main screen at opened event, in accordance with a tag value.(If value = 1, show background 1, else show background 2)

I tried to use properties "Template" or "TemplateScreen" of the screen but it doesn't works.

Can anyone help me ?

Thank you


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Re: How to change Background screen in runtime with a tag

Post by mark.monroe »

That is not going to be possible as far as I know. You can not dynamically change background screens.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Re: How to change Background screen in runtime with a tag

Post by Nicolas2121 »

Ok, thank's for the reply

Best regards

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Re: How to change Background screen in runtime with a tag

Post by Edmund »

You could create two backgrounds and two diffrent screens that uses the diffrent backgrounds, and on the opened event of the first screen check the value of the tag and redirect to the other screen if the logic says so.

Or you could create a dynamic picture (changed by tag value) and send it to back, you can also lock it there and you can work with objects infront of the picture without moving or select the picture.

Not optimal but it´s a workaround.

Edmund Andersson


Part of Beijer Integrator Group

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