Compress database.sdf

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Compress database.sdf

Post by charlyprouteau »

Is it possible to compress the database.sdf file on a win CE (Ta150, T7A) to a zip file for example?
Thanks for your answer.

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Re: Compress database.sdf

Post by Edmund »

Well if your target platform is a panel with Windows CE (e.g. TxA, TxB, TA150) then it will be a bit harder.

If I´m right there is no native support for compressing files in Windows CE / .Net Framework Compact Edition but there exists some external libraries for it.

DotNetZip is one of them (

"Does the library work with applications that depend on the .NET Compact Framework?

Yes. DotNetZip is built for the .NET Compact Framework (v2.0) as well as for the regular .NET Framework. You can build a Smart Device application in Visual Studio 2008, that uses the capabilities of DotNetZip. "

Edmund Andersson


Part of Beijer Integrator Group

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