I’ve been reading yours samples about email and report generator, and both are understood.
My challenge now is to schedule a once a day email with one attached report of that day activity.
How can I attach a file witch name is always changing?
As you know, when we create a report xls file its name contains date and hour (ex: BasicReport 21-05-2014 22.34.14.xls)
Can someone help me here.
Scheduled Emails with Report xls File Attached
Re: Scheduled Emails with Report xls File Attached
Please have a look here: https://www.beijerelectronics.us/en-US/ ... ocId=58767 for attaching the report to the email.
For the name being dynamic it would be best to script the entire report generation this way you get to dictate the name.
public void GenerateReport(
GenerateReportAction generateReportAction,
string reportName,
FileDirectory fileDirectory,
string destinationPath
You can find more information by pressing F1 in the script section and searching reports.
For the name being dynamic it would be best to script the entire report generation this way you get to dictate the name.
public void GenerateReport(
GenerateReportAction generateReportAction,
string reportName,
FileDirectory fileDirectory,
string destinationPath
You can find more information by pressing F1 in the script section and searching reports.
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