Change AlarmTrigger in runtime

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Change AlarmTrigger in runtime

Post by philip.joebstl »


is it possible to change the trigger value of an alarm in runtime by script?

I know it would be possible to create the same functionality with the use of expressions, but this is a bit uncomfortable in my opinion.

Thanks for the help!
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Philip Joebstl

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Chris T.
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Re: Change AlarmTrigger in runtime

Post by Chris T. »

Hi Philip.joebstl,
Yes, you can do this in script either in the alarm screen or just on the tag itself and have it modify an alarm tag. When in the scripting section hit F1 to see all the utilities available to you. You may want to refine the help file to include only items referring to the alarm scripting functions by searching for "Alarm" and reviewing the methods available to you.
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