Keyboard keys change property in the editor.

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Keyboard keys change property in the editor.

Post by andreasfridh »


I have started using IX (2.40).
And sometimes the script editor changes the key functions on my keyboard for my arrow keys.

When I try to go step to the left with the arrow keys the editor jumps to the script module on the left instead of the cursor moving to the left.

I have no idea what i'm doing for this to happen, but right now I need to restart IX and hope that it won't happen again for a while.


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Chris T.
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Re: Keyboard keys change property in the editor.

Post by Chris T. »

We have seen this happen before but it is very rare. I believe this has been corrected in later versions of iX and it only seems to happen when switching between screens and scripting. We are still looking to pinpoint the exact circumstances that cause this so please report it to the Beijer electronics support group if you are able to point us in a good direction.
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Re: Keyboard keys change property in the editor.

Post by dthomas »

I am using iX Developer 2.40 SP4 and an issue similar to this happens constantly while scripting. Currently it is occurring every few minutes requiring a restart of iX.

Basically I lose all navigation within the scripting window with my arrow keys. Sometimes the an arrow key will jump to a different focus in window and other times it does nothing.

This is getting extremely annoying.

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