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Storing application data in the database

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:06 pm
by csanders
I have several settings and relational data that need to be retained between power cycles on the hmi. Is it possible to store these in a table in SQL CE that is installed on the terminal? If so, what is the connection string to connect to the database?

Re: Storing application data in the database

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:33 am
by Ron L.
When you start iX Developer there is a Sample available called "Script_Database_Export". This sample uses the file "Database.sdf" which is used by different Functions in iX such as the DataLogger.

Although the example uses "Database.sdf", you can also create your own database as shown here: ... mmatically

I've attached another example that might be useful.