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Calling a script from another screen

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:35 am
by JohnCZ
Hello all,

just a little ;) questions.

Has anyone ever dealt with how to call a function defined in a script in scren from tag sheet. Exampl from Tag_ValueChange ?? At this moment I use it over scriptmodule.

and if anyone know How Can I thread safety access to tag value (Globals.Tag.TagName.Value = newValue) ?


Re: Calling a script from another screen

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:29 am
by mark.monroe
You can not call a function on a screen instance because there is no way to get a hold of a screen instance in iX Dev. You can actually have multiple screen1s open at the same time. You would fist have to get the screen1 instance that you want to call a function on and there is no way to do that. Static functions also do not work because of the way the screen class was written.