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Read Tag from SmartDevice User Contol?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:13 am
by Simon
Hi! I'm creating a SmartDevice User Control for a T4A panel. Is it possible for the user control to read tag-values from the tag database in my project or do I have to send the value to the user control?
For example, if I set SampleCEUserControl.value to "VS01_GT11", then I want the user control to read values from tags "VS01_GT11_PV1", "VS01_GT11_SP1". Is it possible?

Re: Read Tag from SmartDevice User Contol?

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:26 pm
by Russ C.

We understand that this is a very old post. If there is anyone who is still experiencing this or similar issues and require assistance, please visit us at ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690.

Thank you.