Alarm delay

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Alarm delay

Post by val_pilats »

Hi! Is it possible to configure delay for an alarm? I mean if alarm meets condition for 5 sec. (in example), then through alarm, if less then nothing happens.

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Re: Alarm delay

Post by mark.monroe »

No, you can not do that with Alarms unless you write a script to do it. You could write code that triggers a timer and after the timer elapses you could check to see if the alarm value is still high, and if it is you could set the tag used to trigger the alarm.

Here is a forum post on how to work with timers.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:47 am

Re: Alarm delay

Post by val_pilats »

Thanks for Your reply. I think it would be very useful feature in IX projects for PC if You'd added it in future.

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