Recipe with messages as variables

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Recipe with messages as variables

Post by hfhenriques »

Hi everybody,

How I can create a recipe where one or more variables are a message (String)..
The Idea it´s the operator when create a recipe introduce messages that after, will apear in another page. These mensagem will run as one step of program.

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Re: Recipe with messages as variables

Post by mark.monroe »

When you load a recipe it will take the recipes' values and copy them over to the tag they are associated with. If the tag is displayed on a screen, then the value copied to it from the recipe will also be displayed.

When iX Developer is open, press F1 and it will bring up the help system. Look for the recipe section of the help and read up on how to work with recipes.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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