How to send information via J1939?

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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How to send information via J1939?

Post by iva »

Hi everybody!
I am iX-beginner, so excuse me please if my question is obvious.
I need to organize duplex communication with T10A trough FreeCAN-interface and use FreeCAN_EM driver ver.5.00.29 for this purpose.
According to manual "FREECAN configuration" (Freecan help manual - preversion 1.14.pdf) i have prepared *.csv file, imported it into panel, and now tag's values can be transmitted into pannel and it works good. But I cannot anywhere find how iX panel can send anything through this channel. The document contain chapter "Write Full telegram – HRA, HRB" where we can see description of some commands. But how and where these commands have to be used is unclear.

So would you please explain how to transfer information by means of FreeCAN.

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by mark.monroe »

As long as you do not have the tag set as "Read Only", then anything that you put into a tag that is associated with a memory address should be transmitted over the network. That is how all our controllers work. If you can read a value, then setting the tag to a different value should trigger the packet to be sent over the CAN network with the value from the HMI.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by iva »

Thank you for response,
I’ve understood it and it seems sending from T10H works correctly.
But you know yet I have permanent difficulties in organizing of the project. For example, first tag-file for tests loaded successfully, but now with other files I am having error “Comm err station1” and really don’t know why. May be I missed some settings, but which of them ?
Can you please advise some other more detailed documentation on this controller to see all the nuances?

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by mark.monroe »

Comm error station 1, means that it can not communicate to the station 1 controller, which on your network would be one of the CAN nodes. That could happen if you have loaded a tag that references a value that is not on the slave node. I would create a simple project and just have 1 tag that references the slave, then try and get that to work.

You will also get such an error if you unplug the communication cable between the HMI and the controller.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by iva »

Ok, I have created a simple project and have just 1 tag (references or not the slave - I'm not sure, who is here a master, its not clear). But this configuration works correctly. I can send this tags value to HMI and receive it back if changed in script.
Now I'm trying to load any other taglist. And it seems like loads in right way, I see all new tags in project, but in communications takes part only first of them. I can rename it, but can't change CAN Identifier. What ever is written in column "C", HMI reacts only on telegrams with old identifier and only first tag of it.

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by mark.monroe »

I believe you are referring to column "C" in the excel file. That is a normal excel file, so you should be able to change it at will. You may have an issue with permissions on the excel file.

You can rebuilding your project. Also, make sure your project is not stored on a network drive. Some network drives do not allow iX Dev to change some project files which can result in odd behavior.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by iva »

Thanks for the tips, but unfortunately rebuilding did not help.
Strange, it seems impossible to override driver settings. Even reinstall it on the new version fails. During the updating version 5.00.29 written. But in controller settings (even after rebooting) 5.00.12 still.

Also I wanted to ask about the commands in the manual "FREECAN configuration (HRL, HRW and so on). Where and how it could be used? Maybe I could manually check the status of the controller.
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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by iva »

It's a win! How little a man need to be happy :!:
For proper operation on Win7 iX Developer must be run in administrator mode.
Thank you very much for your help. Further should be easier :)

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by iva »

Hi to all!

Does anybody know how to force the panel to send data only on triggers event? I have made some triggers, then set column "Data exchange" in "Tag's"-table on them, but the controller still sends data also when according data is changing. What could be wrong in my project?

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Re: How to send information via J1939?

Post by mark.monroe »

If you change the data in a tag on the HMI, and that tag is associated with a memory address, like a CAN address, it will send the data. Otherwise your HMI data will become out of sync with the CAN data, i.e. your HMI will say one thing, while the controllers you are connected to really have different values.

If you want to control when you send data, you can change the poll rate. If that is not enough control, you will need to create two sets of tags. One set that is not associated with a controller and another set that is. Then you can set the tags associated with memory registers to "Always Active". Next, you need to copy the values from the tags not associated with memory registers, to those that are associated with memory registers. When you copy the value, the HMI will send out the data to the controllers. By controlling when you copy, you can control when the HMI sends out the data.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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