Popup window closing

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Popup window closing

Post by bennanio »

Anyone else done a confirmation popup and drove an event back to the originating screen?
The trouble I'm having is getting the event back to the originating screen. I can watch for tag values changing or do things within the popup window but I can't figure out how to (for instance) change the visibility on an object that's on the originating screen. The best I can do right now is start a timer to watch a tag value but that's just builds an artificial delay into my UI.

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Re: Popup window closing

Post by mark.monroe »

Each screen in iX Developer is independent of every other screen. There is no idea of originating screens. I know of know way besides using tags or a script module to pass data between screens.

I would recommend that you set a tag on your pop-up screen's "closed" event. Then, if possible, use your object's dynamic property to change the object on the prior screen. Most objects have dynamic properties that are accessed in the "Dynamic" menu when that particular object is selected.

You could also try opening a new screen when your pop-up screen closes. Then in the new screen's "Opened" event trigger the code that looks at any tag changes the pop-up screen did.

Something like:
1) Screen 1 opened a pop-up
2) Pop-up modifies tag values
3) On pop-up's closed event open a new screen 1
4) New screen 1's open event process the changes that the pop-up specified
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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