multi layered recipes

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stuart harris
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:03 am

multi layered recipes

Post by stuart harris »


could you help with the following please?

I have an application were I need to create a multi layered recipe system.
I have one normal recipe that is storing positional data for 5 axis of servos.
when the operator has set the required positions he creates a recipe, that the PLC can load later based on a product ID from an RFID system.

I am putting the names of the recipes in ComboBox2 with the following script on a separate screen, works just fine.
foreach( string i in myRecipeNames)

ComboBox2 has a tag attached to it with data type string.

I am then trying to get another recipe to remember the selection of the first recipe name that has been selected by the operator in the ComboBox2.

I need the PLC to see the name of the recipe stored in the overall recipe so it can drill down and load the first basic recipe with the positional data in it.

Eventually the overall top recipe needs to look at the selection of three other recipes in total and load the data from each one.

the names that get stored in the ComboBox2 with above code do not seem to be going into the tag assigned to the box and therefore not remembered by the recipe and not loaded to the PLC data register.

I hope that all makes sense, thanks!

Posts: 61
Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:21 am

Re: multi layered recipes

Post by stuartm »

Hello Sir,

Please see attached example. The attachment covers a more advanced recipe management than currently. It employs the last saved recipe name. The tag can be tied to a plc signaling it the latest recipe saved.

Also, please consider "offline" recipe editing as well.

If you need the latest version of IX please send an email to

Best Regards,
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