change state of switch button after clicking it

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Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:20 am

change state of switch button after clicking it

Post by ControlMotion »

Hi guys,

I have a button with an image of a switch (state - off) inside. The user clicks it, specific Bit is changing from 0 -> 1, and the image in the button should be "replaced" with a switch with state on, and vice versa.

How can you flip the switch image in the button after performing a click? :?: I don't want to clone the same page with a switch on.

Thanks for your help!

Cheers, ControlMotion

Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:20 am

Re: change state of switch button after clicking it

Post by ControlMotion »

Did this quite easy.

In Actions for the tag shoud be set Toggle Tag.
Multi picture has to be selected
In the Picture name menu select the both pictures (for the switch on and off).

Done ;) .

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