Combine or Split Time

Sample programs for manipulating and setting time to and from the PLC, and using the built-in iX Developer scheduler.
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Kyle W.
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Combine or Split Time

Post by Kyle W. »

This sample program will do three things. First, it will take time from three registers (hours, minutes, seconds) and combine them into one total string to display. Second, it will take user entered hours, minutes, seconds and combine them into a total number of seconds--which can be sent to the PLC. Finally, it will take a single register containing a total number of seconds from the PLC, split it (hours, minutes, seconds) into three tags and display it as time.

This program was compiled using iX Developer 2.10 SP3 (2.16.154).
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Kyle W. | Applications Engineer
Beijer Electronics, Inc.

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Chris T.
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Re: Combine or Split Time

Post by Chris T. »

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