Error List

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Error List

Post by tony »

Buenos dias estimados;

La presente es para solicitar ayudar del siguiente punto:

1. Como hago para conseguir la barra de Error List, que me aparezca cuando tengo un scrip, para ver los errores en el código cuando compilo.

Adjunto imagen donde se visualiza dicha barra en un proyecto.

This is to request help from the following point:

1. How do I get the Error List bar, that appears when I have a scrip, to see the errors in the code when I compile.

Attached image where said bar is displayed in a project.
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Russ C.
Posts: 213
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:32 pm

Re: Error List

Post by Russ C. »


The error list box should by default show any errors that would prevent the project from compiling. It may not show errors in Referenced Assemblies because they're expected to be written, tested, and compiled outside of iX developer.

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