Third pary components

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Third pary components

Post by umesh.patil »


can any body tell me from where i can download third pary components or controls for ix panel,


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Re: Third pary components

Post by mark.monroe »

Hi umesh,

Are you looking for a specific feature that you haven't been able to find in iX Developer? Maybe we can point you to it if you describe what you are looking for.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Ron L.
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Re: Third pary components

Post by Ron L. »

We have some new objects coming with the next version of iX in April such as an improved ListBox, DropDownList, Chart and Scrolling Text. Be sure to check with your sales rep. at that time to make sure you get a copy.

If you are just needed more graphics, I've had some luck with buying graphics from here in the past.
Best Regards,

Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer

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Re: Third pary components

Post by umesh.patil »

Thanks Mark and Ron was very help full.

I want to add some features like.
* Print Screen and save .bmp file.
* Stylish Message Box with OK Cancel Button.

And I wnat to make a Control for Report generation Same as Beijer E terminal.
Where I will write text and add tags and file path to save report. I need rough idea how to do that if you have any example.

Umesh Patil

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Re: Third pary components

Post by mark.monroe »

Hi Umesh,

I would take a look at the samples that come with iX developer. You can find them in the 'samples' tab that comes up when you initially open ix Developer.
sample.png (67.31 KiB) Viewed 21954 times
Also take a look at the manual.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Ron L.
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Re: Third pary components

Post by Ron L. »

With iX Developer 2.0 coming out in April, there will be a report generator feature included that should help you out.
Snap 2012-03-22 at 10.05.11.jpg
Snap 2012-03-22 at 10.05.11.jpg (79.98 KiB) Viewed 21955 times
Best Regards,

Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer

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Re: Third pary components

Post by umesh.patil »

Thanks Ron and Mark.

I am using T10A. I wnat to save image of screen following script is not working what should I do.

private void PrintScreen()


Bitmap printscreen = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);

Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(printscreen as Image);

graphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, printscreen.Size);

printscreen.Save(@"C:\Temp\printscreen.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);



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Re: Third pary components

Post by mark.monroe »

Hi umesh,

Windows CE doesn't support those functions. Here is the code that you need to make a button take a picture of the screen. Windows CE also does not use letters for drive names, 'C:\' will not work. Where do you want to put the image once you have taken it?


Code: Select all

// Press F1 to get help about using script.
// To access an object that is not located in the current class, start the call with Globals.
// When using events and timers be cautious not to generate memoryleaks,
// please see the help for more information.

namespace Neo.ApplicationFramework.Generated
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
	using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using Neo.ApplicationFramework.Tools;
    using Neo.ApplicationFramework.Common.Graphics.Logic;
    using Neo.ApplicationFramework.Controls;
    using Neo.ApplicationFramework.Interfaces;
    public partial class Screen1
		//  imports the GDI BitBlt function that enables the background of the window 
		//  to be captured 
		private static extern bool BitBlt(
		IntPtr hdcDest,       // handle to destination DC 
		int nXDest,           // x-coord of destination upper-left corner 
		int nYDest,           // y-coord of destination upper-left corner 
		int nWidth,           // width of destination rectangle 
		int nHeight,          // height of destination rectangle 
		IntPtr hdcSrc,        // handle to source DC 
		int nXSrc,            // x-coordinate of source upper-left corner 
		int nYSrc,            // y-coordinate of source upper-left corner 
		System.Int32 dwRop    // raster operation code 
		public extern static System.IntPtr GetDC(System.IntPtr hWnd);

		public extern static int ReleaseDC(System.IntPtr hWnd, System.IntPtr hDC); //modified to include hWnd

		void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		private void CaptureForm ()
			// Get the handle of the form's device context and create compatible
			// graphics and bitmap objects
			System.IntPtr srcDC = GetDC (IntPtr.Zero);
			System.Drawing.Bitmap bm = new System.Drawing.Bitmap (this.Width, this.Height);
			System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage (bm);

			// Get the handle to the graphics object's device context.
			System.IntPtr bmDC = graphics.GetHdc ();

			// Copy the form to the bitmap
			BitBlt (bmDC, 0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height, srcDC, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020 /*SRCCOPY*/);

			// Release native resources
			ReleaseDC (IntPtr.Zero, srcDC);
			graphics.ReleaseHdc (bmDC);
			graphics.Dispose ();

			// Save the bitmap in jpeg format.
			//Directory where you want the image. In this case
			//it will be saved to the external memory card.
			string directory = @"\Storage Card2";
			string datePatt = @"M_d_yyyy hh_mm_ss tt";
			string dateNow = DateTime.Now.ToString(datePatt);
			string filename = String.Format (@"{0}\Snap {1}.jpg", directory, dateNow);
				bm.Save (filename, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
			catch (Exception x)
				System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (x);
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Ron L.
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Re: Third pary components

Post by Ron L. »

If you want to save to the FTP directory, you can use this code.

Code: Select all

string path = @"\FlashDrive\Project\Project Files";
				if (Directory.Exists(path) == false) {
				path = path + @"\printscreen.jpg";
Here's a sample project for this also.
(75.13 KiB) Downloaded 1095 times
Best Regards,

Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer

Posts: 15
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Re: Third pary components

Post by umesh.patil »

Thanks a lot it is working fine.

Is it possible to take screen print of screen which is not open.

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