Arlam banner

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Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:32 pm

Arlam banner

Post by viethungeng »

I am using HMI of omron. When displaying alerts of my machine use the "indirect window" function.
It means that when the number of values in a plc address changes, it will go to a screen whose number corresponds to that value. I resized the screen as a warning banner that included the text and the corresponding backgroud color.
If you switch to using Beijer's HMI, how do you do it?
Please help me, thanks!

Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:18 am

Re: Arlam banner

Post by nxen »

Add a System Tag New Screen. Link it with to the word of your PLC that controls the screen number.
On your Screens -> General -> Screen ID give a number for each screen that you want to control by this word.
System Tag New Screen.png
System Tag New Screen.png (30.36 KiB) Viewed 4958 times
Screen ID.png
Screen ID.png (81.94 KiB) Viewed 4958 times
Best Regards,
Nikos X

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