Communication problem with 6 controllers

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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Communication problem with 6 controllers

Post by MhDgS »

Dear experts,

I have six identical remote stations, which are connected to iX SCADA PC.

In each station there is Crouzet PLC connected to GPRS modem over RS485. Modem converts Modbus RS485 to Modbus TCP and that's how SCADA takes data from stations.

In iX Developer I configured six different Modicon Modbus masters (controllers). I chose Ethernet TCP/IP communication mode in each controller's settings.

The problem is that then I start runtime I allways have one or few stations comm error. Then I restart runtime, comm err appears on other station. Looking at the signal state on modems parameters, signal is good. Also, then I launch modbus master software on my PC, the communication has no problems.

Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong in setting up controllers in iX Developer?
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Re: Communication problem with 6 controllers

Post by Disciple186 »

I am trying to connect an Crouzet em4 and am having trouble figuring out the modbus registers. Can you provide any help?

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