I'd like to have a textbox display something like:
"Performing operation 5 of 50" where 5 and 50 are tags. How would I do this?
Referencing tags in a textbox
Re: Referencing tags in a textbox
This can be done in scripting using the value changes of the 5 and 50 tag update a string tag that is assigned to your text object.
For example:
I have current operation number tag named "curOp"
and a maximum operations number named "maxOp"
then I would create a string tag named "stringOp"
and use this function for the value changes of the curOp and maxOp tags
and tie my stringOp tag to the text element on the screen
Then when either tag value changes, the text updates accordingly
For example:
I have current operation number tag named "curOp"
and a maximum operations number named "maxOp"
then I would create a string tag named "stringOp"
and use this function for the value changes of the curOp and maxOp tags
Code: Select all
void operations_ValueChange(System.Object sender, Core.Api.DataSource.ValueChangedEventArgs e)
stringOp.Value = "Performing operation "+curOp.Value.String+" of "+maxOp.Value.String;
Then when either tag value changes, the text updates accordingly
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