TCP communication returns exception in run-time on target

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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TCP communication returns exception in run-time on target

Post by dave »


I'm a newbie and testing iX T7A.
Here is my setup:
Win7 32bits,
iX Developer 2.10,
3rd party device connected to PC through Ethernet interface,
iX T7A as a target.

When I run my project under iX Developer 2.10 I'm able to communicate with the 3rd party device in TCP mode. (The device is connected on NIC of the PC)
However, the project executed on the iX T7A returns me an exception when I try to communicate in TCP mode to 3rd party device. (The device is connected to a switch which connects also to iX T7A)
Why this difference between PC run-time and Target run-time? Any idea?


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Russ C.
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Re: TCP communication returns exception in run-time on targe

Post by Russ C. »


We understand that this is a very old post. If there is anyone who is still experiencing this or similar issues and require assistance, please visit us at ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690.

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