AlarmViewer not respect Z plane

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AlarmViewer not respect Z plane

Post by brusarp »

I'm building some program for X2Pro panel with "hidden tabbed menu".
I click on "menu" button and the tabbed menu appear from the right. To do it on all the screens i putted it on a "Background as close-up" screen. It works on all my other screen but not on that with Alarm Viewer even if i put it on Z plan "1" and the menu on Z plan "1000".
See my screenshot...
Is there any solution? Thank you,
Working screen
Working screen
Screen Menu.jpg (74.27 KiB) Viewed 7477 times
Screen with problem
Screen with problem
Screen Alarm.jpg (55.23 KiB) Viewed 7477 times

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Re: AlarmViewer not respect Z plane

Post by prichlin »

Hello brusarp,
I'm not sure about this issue. Would it help you if you moved your menu into a non-modal popup instead? I would guess popups would be designed to have a very high Z-index. If this works for you, I can also share the code to remove the blue banner at the top of the popup.

Edit - corrected low to high
Last edited by prichlin on Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AlarmViewer not respect Z plane

Post by brusarp »

Hi prichlin,
thank you for your suggestion but for this application I prefer to not use pop ups...
On all other screen my menu works very good... the only trouble is with alarm viewer...
If it were possible to correct the problem I would be grateful...

Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:59 am

Re: AlarmViewer not respect Z plane

Post by prichlin »

Hello brusarp,
I tested a few things and the only thing I could find that would reliably sit on top of the Z-index above the alarm panel was a popup. It blocks clicks/presses under it to the alarm controls too.
It's not as clean but maybe you could resize the alarm window though script when the operator accesses the menu?
If this doesn't work for your panel, unfortunately I'm out of ideas. Maybe someone else has one?

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