"T7F-2" vs "X2-base7" - issue with email

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"T7F-2" vs "X2-base7" - issue with email

Post by scotcarl »

Hi all.

I have a program that I developed for an X2-base-7 model HMI. The X2-base-7 was just released at the time as a superseded version of the T7F-2 HMI. I didn't have the X2 HMI unit while I was developing the program, so I used an older T7F-2 model HMI which is compatible.
I finished my program, testing it on the T7F, and it looks very good and my client is very happy. One of the features I have implemented is to send emails when there is an alarm - very normal, and something I have done many times before. This feature worked just fine, and when I trigger an alarm, and email pops right into my inbox.

When deployed onto the X2-base HMI on the clients site however, no emails were being sent. It took me a very long time to figure out what was going on, as I followed the path that most people reading this probably would, and started investigating the client internets connection and firewalls, double checked the program to ensure I didn't accidentally introduce a bug, etc, etc.

I eventually took the T7F HMI out to my clients site and swapped it out with the X2, and wouldn't you know it, email worked. I swapped them back, it didn't work. I then tried loading a test program that sent an email via a script, and gave me some step by step feedback on what was going on. On the T7F, the email was sent off with no problem. On the X2, the email was created, and the program went through the steps of sending, but the return value from the send function simply indicated that it failed.

I have since left the T7F with the client, and he is happy. I now have an X2-base-7 HMI in my office that I cannot use on a project that needs to send an email - which is pretty much all of my projects.
So the million dollar questions...

* Has anyone out there experienced the same problem (and hopefully solved it)

* Has anyone successfully sent an email from an X2-base HMI?

* Am I going crazy?

* Has anyone successfully sent an email, using the same code, from both a T7F and an X2-base HMI?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Gabriel B.
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Re: "T7F-2" vs "X2-base7" - issue with email

Post by Gabriel B. »

Have you tried to using the alarm viewer object to see if the email is being fired off from the panel? If you haven't I would start there. If you get a message on the viewer that states something to the effect of, "waiting" or "Trying" to send, the chances are the issue is in the email client settings. If you would like to contact Beijer Support we can help you trouble shoot this issue.

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Re: "T7F-2" vs "X2-base7" - issue with email

Post by scotcarl »

Hi Gabriel.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have a page in my HMI for viewing the alarm history, that uses an alarm viewer for that purpose (see attached screen shot). I am unaware of how to make it show the status of an email being sent. Could I please bother you to elaborate on your response a little.

Kind regards,
Capture.JPG (117.78 KiB) Viewed 13223 times

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Re: "T7F-2" vs "X2-base7" - issue with email - SOLVED

Post by scotcarl »

Hi All.
I thought I'd better close this off. After a very long time trying casually to sort this issue, I stumbled blindly onto the solution. It turns out I did not have the primary DNS address entered (it was left blank), and this is what was causing the problem. I entered the DNS the same as the gateway address when setting up new project (for no other reason than just because), and what do you know - I can send emails.
This is such a straight forward error now that I am looking back on it that it is almost embarrassing, but I guess sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees.
Anywho, special shout out to Gabriel who had a crack at helping me with this.

Cheers all

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