I want to display further information on a selected alarm by the user, by displaying a pop-up screen with a text lybrary.
The value of the text to be displayed is read on an internal tag, which is set on the action of each alarm.
The problem is that I have near 200 alarms, which means I have to set the action for all of them.
Is there an easier way of doing this?
Alarm Info
Re: Alarm Info
From my experience, you will have to at least set an action to show a screen for each one.
You might be able to come up with a more advanced solution using reflection and scripting, but I would not recommend this for everyone. Here's some example script where I use reflection to find out what item is selected in the alarm viewer.
You might be able to come up with a more advanced solution using reflection and scripting, but I would not recommend this for everyone. Here's some example script where I use reflection to find out what item is selected in the alarm viewer.
Code: Select all
using Neo.ApplicationFramework.Controls.Alarm;
using System.Reflection;
public partial class Screen1
void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Text1.Text = GetAlarmViewerIndex((Form)this).ToString();
//search screen for alarm viewer, if found return row index, otherwise -2
int GetAlarmViewerIndex(Form form)
for (int i = 0; i < form.Controls.Count; i++)
if (form.Controls[i].GetType().Equals(typeof(AlarmViewer)))
AlarmViewer av = (AlarmViewer)form.Controls[i];
UserControl uc = (UserControl)av;
foreach (Control ctrl in uc.Controls)
if (ctrl.GetType().ToString().Equals("Resco.Controls.SmartGrid.SmartGrid"))
Type gType = ctrl.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] props = gType.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
if (prop.Name.Equals("ActiveRowIndex"))
int idx = (int)prop.GetValue(ctrl, null);
return idx;
return -2;
Best Regards,
Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer
Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer
Re: Alarm Info
This is good script. I am trying to get selected alarm text as well by some additions to this script. But cannot succeed.
From my understanding it should look smth like this.
Messagebox.Show(ctrl.Cells.Item[x,y] );
But I cannot build the project because property 'Item' is not recognized. Can anyone help on this?
From my understanding it should look smth like this.
Messagebox.Show(ctrl.Cells.Item[x,y] );
But I cannot build the project because property 'Item' is not recognized. Can anyone help on this?