Access address book through script

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Access address book through script

Post by val_pilats »

Hi! How can I get user information from standard Address book in IX.
I want to use standard address book tool to edit users. And need to get email of each user in address book.

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Re: Access address book through script

Post by mark.monroe »

There are two address book xml files, one is used during runtime and the other is used in your iX Developer project. When you rebuild your project, the one used in iX developer will overwrite the one used for the runtime. The paths are below. You can edit either file in another application.

You probably want to edit the AddressBook.xml used in iX developer with your external tool, and then rebuild the project in iX Developer.

Used during runtime:
\iX Developer 2 Projects\Project4\Temp\Output\AddressBook.xml
Used in iX Developer:
\iX Developer 2 Projects\Project4\AddressBook.xml
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:47 am

Re: Access address book through script

Post by val_pilats »

Thanks a lot!

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